Petuna ocean trout poached in ghee, octopus, kipfler potato and salsa verde

View the full recipe for poached ocean trout, from our chef friend Monty Koludrovic.

6 serves


For the Ocean Trout

1 x 1kg side Petuna Ocean Trout, cut from the centre, pin bones removed
500g Ghee
Sea Salt and white pepper for seasoning
2 pieces lemon rind
3 sprigs oregano
1 sprig lemon verbena
2 cloves garlic, sliced

For the Octopus

2 kg cleaned octopus
3 sprig of thyme
1 clove garlic
50 ml olive oil

For the salsa verde

250ml Extra virgin olive oil
2 peeled garlic
1 birds eye chilies
3 anchovy fillets
1tbsp Dijon mustard
15gm rinsed capers
100gm flat leaf parsley
80gm basil leaves
80gm tarragon leaves
80gm mint leaves
50gm fresh horseradish
½ lemon juiced

For the Potatoes & garnish

500g new season kipfler potatoes
20g Salt
herb stalks
50ml good wine vinegar
reserved ghee from the ocean trout

To assemble

Oregano leaves and nasturtiums for garnish


Serves 6 as main

For the ocean trout

Heat the ghee to 50c in a tray which will snugly fit the trout once cut. Add the aromatics and keep somewhere warm to maintain the temperature.

Cut the ocean trout trout into batons of approximately 3cm x 3cm x 6cm. These should weigh 60-70g each. The more evenly cut the more evenly cooked they will be.

Add the trout batons carefully, keeping in mind you will want to retrieve them easily. Once the ocean trout is added, monitor the temperature of the ghee so that it reaches a temp of 43c consistently. Cook for 16-20 minutes or until just yielding to light pressure from a fork.

Reserve the ghee for the potatoes.

For the octopus

Preheat the temperature controlled water bath to 70 degree Celsius

Clean octopus under running water for 5 minutes and break it down into individual fingers, mix with remaining ingredients and seal in a sous vide bag. Cook in the water bath for 6 hours.

Drain and cut the octopus into chunks and set aside at room temperature. Dress with a little of the cooking liquor to keep it juicy.

For the Salsa Verde

Reserve some of the herb stalks for the potatoes.

Combine and blend all ingredients, except lemon juice in food processor, immediately chill over a container of iced water.

Taste for seasoning. Finished salsa should be thick and consistent but not completely smooth.

For the potatoes

Wash and peel the potatoes and add to salted water and cook at a gentle simmer until 80% cooked.

Add some reserved herb stalks and remove from the heat, wrap in cling film and allow to cool for a further 5-8 minutes. Remove from the water and allow to chill to room temp. Chop into chunks and dress with some of the reserved ghee and vinegar.


Place a dollop of salsa verde off centre on a warm plate.

Top with dressed potato chunks and octopus chunks.

Arrange 2 trout batons neatly and scatter with oregano and nasturtiums.

Finish with a final sprinkle of flake salt.


Use a slow cooker, a thermometer instead of the bath, or just tip your octopus onto a tray with triple the oil and cook in a very low oven wrapped in foil.