Best Practice

Petuna’s very future depends on best practice sustainable aquaculture, which demands the company maintains the critical balance between social, environmental and economic values.


Petuna consistently reports environmental data from each of our marine farm sites to comply with industry regulations and maintain the integrity of the environments in which we operate.

Data Portal


Petuna continue to focus on providing certified sustainably sourced seafood to our customers.

BAP Certification

Petuna was the first company in the world to achieve Best Aquaculture Practice (BAP) accreditation for two species in a marine environment – Atlantic Salmon and Ocean Trout.

More recently, it also became the first company to receive BAP for both its salt and fresh water operations, with the opening of its $15 million state-of-the-art hatchery in Cressy, which notably uses less than five per cent of the water used in traditional systems.

During 2019, Petuna achieved BAP 4-star accreditation.

This top-tier, four-star accreditation means every step in our production chain, from hatchery and farms to feed mills and processing plants are certified to comply with the highest Best Aquaculture Practice standards.

Certification Statement

What is BAP?

BAP is an international certification program based on science-based and continuously improved performance standards for the entire aquaculture supply chain — farms, hatcheries, processing plants and feed mills. It is based on independent audits that evaluate compliance with the BAP standards developed by the Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA).

Fish Welfare

It is in Petuna’s best interests to take meticulous care of our salmon and trout throughout their life cycle from small hatchlings to adult fish. Fish health and welfare is therefore a top priority for our team.

We employ a dedicated Fish Health Manager who is a registered veterinarian with a special interest, and post graduate qualifications, in aquatic animal health, as well as using the services of a government veterinary diagnostic laboratory.

Our team of veterinarians and husbandry specialists apply the very best practices from around the world. That’s why we are the only aquaculture company globally to have achieved BAP certification for both our Atlantic Salmon and Ocean Trout.

Recent investments in smolt transport tankers, net washing machines and harvest equipment help ensure high standards of fish welfare are maintained at all times.

Our harvest system is recognised by the industry as the most advanced system in operation today, exceeding world’s best practice for maintaining fish welfare.

Our harvesting method enables us to harvest fish with greater efficiency while reducing fish stress, transferring them from the sea to tanker in less than 40 seconds.


We source all our feed from two of Australia’s most reputable aquaculture feed companies – Ridley Aqua Feed and Skretting Australia.

For more information on our feed, including ingredients, visit their websites:

Wildlife Interaction

Marine wildlife, such as birds and seals, is abundant in an area next to the South West World Heritage Area. Petuna is committed to minimising wildlife interactions in and around our marine leases by using infrastructure that excludes wildlife from entering a pen.

A Wildlife Interaction Plan has been developed as part of our commitment to minimising our wildlife interactions and our marine operations staff are professionally trained to care for wildlife in the event of an interaction on our sites.

Wildlife surveillance is conducted on sites daily and any interactions are recorded and reported as required.

Wildlife interactions are minimised by maintaining heavy netting over all our pens to avoid wildlife entanglement, keeping birds away from the fish and preventing seals from entering the pens. Our pen infrastructure maintains net wall integrity, which is integral in preventing below surface seal ingress.

Petuna fully understand and accepts its social obligation to help maintain Tasmania’s pristine marine environment for decades to come and it is in our commercial best interest to do so.

Sustainable Growth

Frequently Asked Questions
