Monty Koludrovic carpaccio of Petuna ocean trout, capers and radish

To finish off this dish, season with sea salt flakes.



4 serves


Grapeseed oil, for frying
60 gm salted capers, rinsed, drained
Large pinch of saffron threads
100 gm crème fraîche
¼ tsp yuzu koshu (see note)
4 pinches of piment d’Espelette (see note)
300 gm skinned, boned piece of Petuna Ocean Trout (see note)
12 mixed baby radishes, washed
Extra-virgin olive oil, to serve
1 large green sorrel leaves
12 large sprigs bronze fennel fronds (see note)


Prep time 25 mins, cook 5 mins
Serves 4 as an entrée

Heat 2cm oil in a saucepan to 180C. Add capers and fry until they stop bubbling (this means there’s no more moisture so they’ll stay crisp; 2-3 minutes). Drain on paper towels.

Dry-roast saffron very lightly to just release its aroma (10 seconds). Set aside.

Mix crème fraiche, koshu and a pinch of salt just enough to loosen (don’t overwhip). Spread mixture on chilled serving plates using the back of a spoon to form large rounds. Crush saffron threads with your fingers and sprinkle across the cream, then sprinkle with a pinch of the piment d’Espelette each.


Slice ocean trout into even 5mm-thick slices and arrange on the seasoned cream. Season with a pinch of sea salt flakes.

Thinly slice radishes straight onto ocean trout with a mandolin, scatter with capers and drizzle with extra-virgin olive oil. Finish with a few pinches of finely sliced sorrel and fennel fronds and serve.


Yuzu koshu is a Japanese condiment available from Japanese grocers.
Piment d’Espelette, pepper from the Basque region of France, is available from select delicatessens and the Essential Ingredient.
Choose a nice thick part of ocean trout: middle loin either side of the spine or the shoulder.
Bronze fennel fronds are available from select greengrocers; if they’re unavailable use regular fennel fronds.